Saturday, 17 April 2010

Allotment Gardening

I have a new project on the way which is growing vegetables and some fruit in my local allotment. The allotment is soo overgrown it could be accuratly described as a jungle however I do love a challange.

I have spent 4 hours today weeding and removing some wild strawberry plants..There must have been around 40 plants so that something off the list that I dont have to worry about buying.

Gardening is strangly addictive Im planning a strawberry patch, Gardern Herbs and Rockets and then some root vegetables for winter. The weather is picking up in the UK and its the perfect time to get planting.

Shopping in London

I was in London and I forgot how HUGE the shops are and how you can get such a great range of items. Topshop Oxford St had the Vintage Lace Pattern in a  dress! It is soo gorgous its a 50style strapless dress thats cut in at the waist and is so feminine. So I returned the skirt. The dress version is not available on the website or any other stores. Its was £75.00 which isnt cheap but I think its worth it perfect for a summer wedding, christening or formal ocassion girlie cute and unique.

To complete the MW collection I bought the sarong to match  I bought it from Germany via bank transfer and I had to pay a £9.00 fee as Paypal was not used. So all in all paid £45.00! As far as I am aware there are only 2 other sellers one wats £59.99 and the other £69.99. So It wasnt as expensive as it could be.

Although im not on my hols this year and I dont have a clue when I next will be I researched different ways of wearing a sarong and the ways are numerous. I LOVE Matthew Williamson and I love colour so its nice to have some more pretty things around to look at!